Photography: Claire de Virieu

Ecological notes



The Oasis

The oasis evokes a refuge, paradise. It offers water, refreshing and abundant. It is a multi-level ecosystem: the upper stratum (palm trees) creates a microclimate (partial shade and relative humidity) favourable to the growth of the lower strata: shrubs and bushes, then small plants.



The agricultural oasis, as found in North Africa and the Middle East, consists of date palms, then fruit trees (orange, guava) and also cereals (occasionally vegetables). Here, the date palms are replaced by Madagascar palms, the fruits trees by flowering bushes (Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Bauhinia sp, etc.), and the cereals by lawn grass.



Backstage in the Madagascar Oasis



Born of an environmental challenge, this garden has become in a few years a veritable ecosystem. With its microclimate, its flora and fauna, life emerges in the middle of the sands.

Area: 0.5 hectares
Location: Majunga, Madagascar
Biotope: Tropical dry
Eco-garden: 3/5



Project stages

[caption id="attachment_405" align="alignnone" width="780"]01-coulisse-oasis 1998: location photos, the oasis is laid out in a natural hollow, behind the beach. Three filters to protect the plants from the ocean spray: panels of woven palm fronds, curtains of sugar cane and thickets of bougainvillea.[/caption]



[caption id="attachment_407" align="alignnone" width="380"]03-coulisse-oasis Work-site: the pirogues return with young coconut palms harvested in the neighbouring village’s vegetable gardens.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_408" align="alignnone" width="380"]04-coulisse-oasis Work-site: thanks to the wind-breakers and the water, the vegetation takes root.[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_409" align="alignnone" width="780"]05-coulisse-oasis The oasis spreads luxuriantly around the pond.[/caption]